The book I chose to read is Silent Snow by Marla Cone. In 1999, environmental journalist Cone was awarded a Pew fellowship to examine the Arctic paradox: "How," she wondered, "could the Arctic, so innocent, primitive, so natural... be home to the most contaminated people on the planet?" What she discovered is that pollution is as global as the economy, and that industrialized nations—with their "Save the whales!" movements—are poisoning those very whales with chemical drift. Cone's sympathy with the peoples of the Arctic and her admiration for the harsh, beautiful world in which they live make this an inspiring book. And we all carry some level of the same toxins; as one Inuit says, "The chemical threat is the ultimate threat... it reaches everywhere in the world."
I chose this book, because it is on a very interesting topic. I was completely unaware of this slow poisoning of the artctic. I think it will be very educational and eye opening to read what is happening to the Arctic people, with all their resources diminishing quickly.
Here are some links to some information about the author and some reviews on the book:
Marla Cone
Book Review
Silent Snow documentary
The book has 246 pages and is split up into 3 parts with 16 total chapters. I am going to divide the quarters into 4 chapters and see how it goes not following the books parts. I'm excited to learn what is happening up there.
Share & Voice: Population and Environment
15 years ago