Sunday, December 20

Reflections: Weeks 13 & 14 & overall course

Well it is already the end of the semester, the last two weeks have flown by. Now all there is left to do is study for finals and get ready for the holidays.

In week 13 of class there was a fieldtrip to the charitable organization GoodWill. They help provide the less fortunate with things needed in everyday life. There was a tour of the facility followed by a kind of scavenger hunt activity. The next week in class was a show and tell of our junk projects. It was really fun to see what everyone else had been working on. We sure did have some creative folks in class; there were a lot of crafty homemade items to display around the house. I had the idea to somehow fasten a horshoe kind of on its side onto a wall and use it as a coat-rack. I came up with this because I was trying to find something to use as a coat-rack because mine are always thrown onto the couch or onto backs of chairs. My favorite item was a fancy looking blue wine bottle and she drilled a hole in the back and inserted some christmas lights. It was a very neat looking lamp. Then we sat in a circle and discussed things we were taking away from this class.

Overall Course:
When I first signed up for this course I was not sure what to expect at all. And I have to be honest, at first I was kind of nervous about the whole blogging part of the class. I didn't think I would get the hang of it and thought I would get frustrated from it a lot. But after only a few short weeks, I was able to blog no problem. That is a valuable computer skill I'm sure I will use in the future. I really enjoyed the closeness feeling of our small class, and it helped add to that feeling that treats were brought to class every week. That was a very good idea, it was interesting to see what kind of healthy snacks people brought. I also learned an incredible amount about the environment. More importantly things every one can do on a daily basis to help reduce our carbon footprint.  My 2 favorite things about the class would be the eco-chic lifestyle change and the documentaries we watched. The lifestyle change helped me see how easy it is to make a positive change in your life, and the documentaries really opened up my eyes to issues going on around the world that I was unaware of. I liked how every week this class was different; it was never the same and I didn't know what to expect each week.

Thank you Dr. V for making this class very enjoyable and have a nice relaxing break!

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

I participated in three different online learning activities, on Keith, Kristin, and Amanda's pages.

Keith's Activity
Children as young as 8 years old are being diagnosed with diabetes? TRUE
Can some of these illnesses “actually” kill these children? TRUE
The doctors had to purchase 2 scales to weight children that were over 200 lbs? FALSE - 350 pounds
Daves dad died at age 52 from a stroke? TRUE
John Marx is in shape and healthy? FALSE
Parents are not to blame for childhood obesity? FALSE

Kristin's Activity
I actually scored 10 out of 10 on the Quit Smoking Quiz. A lot of the questions were pretty startling. Before I even took the quiz, she listed several statistics about child smoking that were very eye opening. Such as every day 3,000 new teens begin to smoke, and 1,000 of them will someday die due to smoke-related illness.

Amanda's Activity
I scored a 57 on the quiz, ranking me fitness savvy.

You're standing just outside the ranks of 'fitness buff', so don't stop now. Your score indicates that you've got a good general knowledge of fitness, but are a little hazy on the details. With the recent fitness craze, you should easily be able to find the information necessary to fine-tune your fitness knowledge. With the proper knowledge, you will not only be able to optimize your fitness routine, but you'll also be prepared to avoid injury.