Wednesday, October 7

Eco-chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART goal

I thought long and hard about what my SMART goal should be.  I kept going back and forth if I should do only using a re-useable water bater but I decided on something different.  I live fairly close to school and my work so I decided for my SMART goal to be I am going to walk to school and work at least 5 times a week for the next 10 weeks. I only have school 3 days a week and work 2 or 3 days a week.

This lifestlye change is eco-chic for several reasons.  Since I will be walking a lot more, I will be driving my car considerably less. This will result in me putting less car emissions into the environment by driving less.  That is something the environment would benefit greatly from if everyone tried to do. I will also be getting some exercise just on the way to school and work, and you can't complain about that.

I chose this particular behavior because I have been meaning to make this change for months now. Since I live close to work and school I have thought that I should walk both ways for a while now but never stuck with it. It will help to get some exercise on my way to work on really busy days when I don't have time to work out. This lifestyle change will be beneficial to me since I will be driving less, I will be saving money on gas. That will help me because I am trying to save money for a spring break trip and anything extra helps. I am excited to begin my lifestyle change today!


  1. Really good idea Jake. It is nice that you live so close to school and can make this change. Even the small things help. Make sure you stay warm!

  2. Great post Jake! Good luck with your eco-chic change. Kill two birds with one stone... not only are you saving money but getting good exercise as well.
