Wednesday, November 25

Eco-chic Lifestyle Change Week 8: Weekly Update

My SMART goal has been to walk to school and work 5 times a week. I had a good week and accomplished my goal!

This week was full of successes and lacking challenges all around. The only thing I faced that is somewhat of a challenge was one day it was kind of misting out, but that didn't slow me down. Some successes I had were to continue using my i-pod on the walk, makes it go by so much faster. Also, on early mornings I drank coffee in a to-go mug. It hleped keep me warm and awake in class. Lastly, the weather this week cooperated. A couple days were kind of rainy but that was no big deal.

I felt good this week about my success. I actually feel like I made a lifestlye change that is here to stay. I am just so much in the routine of walking and it doesn't bother me at all. My plans for next week are to continue with my current goal. The weather is supposed to start getting cold so that could affect my progress.

Blogged for the Eco-chic Lifestyle Change Week 8 hosted by


  1. I also heard it was going to be cold this week. Good work on accomplishing your goal this week!

  2. Good luck in the next few weeks with your goal. I hear the snow is coming...

  3. snow is a defintely a factor... good luck on your goal!
