Wednesday, October 21

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

My SMART goal has remained To walk to school and/or work a minimum of 5 days a week.  I once again achieved my goal this week by making the trip 5 times. I worked and walked there twice, and walked to school my three school days.

I didn't face many new challenegs this week. Since I was already in the habit of walking places it was not hard for me to keep this behavior up.  However when I was walking to school today it was snowing.  I feel this will bring a challenge to my SMART goal in the future when the weather begins to get bad.  It is hard to say how much this will affect my goal now. I don't think it will stop me from acheiving my goal, but once the weather gets under freezing that could change things.

I felt a number of feelings when walking this week. I felt kind of hungry a few mornings because I was running late and since I was walking I had to leave earlier so I didn't have time to eat much. I will have to keep this in mind in the future and not waste any time in the morning.  Otherwise, for the most part I felt relatively good walking. It felt nice  and refreshing to get out into the fall air just for 15 minutes a couple times a day.  I can't think of much I learned about myself this week, but I did learn a few different routes to take on my way to school or work. Some that are shorter and some that are more scenic.

So far my plans for next week are to keep my goal as it is.  I haven't had trouble achieving it yet, but it hasn't been super easy for my yet either. I think I need to see how the weather affects my goal before I go ahead and make it more challenging.


  1. Nice Work Jake. Hopefully once the snow hits you will be able to keep your goal.

  2. I hope this rain stops. Otherwise walking is going to suck really bad. Keep it up!

  3. I hope the weather doesn't get to bad to fast for the walkers! Good job achieving your goal again this week!
