Friday, October 23

Reflection: Weeks 5 & 6

We have done a lot in class over the past two weeks, very educational and intriguing things. It is crazy how fast time is moving this semester. It is already almost the end of October, and we've already had our first snow. Before we know it will be Thanksgiving, then FINALS time!

These two weeks we watched some very interesting videos that didn't sit well with me. The first one focused on farmers in the U.S. and what kind of troubles they have been facing in recent years. It showed how large grain corporations have trademarked certain seeds. These seeds seem to somehow make it all around the world. Showing up in Canada and North Dakota, even looked in Mexico. Then these large organizations were sueing small family farmers for illegally producing their seed. It was really upsetting to see these large companies destroy everything these family farmers have worked for, for generations. They did it all for money and without hesitation. The second movie was about the food in America. It had a lot of upsetting information about the food Americans typically eat, mostly relating to animal products. It for sure made me question some food choices I made. I never heard the story about the Baskin Robbins guy promoting healthy eating, that was very interesting and gutsy on his part.

It was interesting to hear other classmate comments on the eye-openers we have been doing. These activities are great and do exactly that, open my eyes to something thats going on that I was unaware of. One that really stuck with me is the virutal food-tour I did, with all the slaughterhouse and food factory numbers, really troubling stuff. I didn't anything new about blogging, except how to make a blogger header. It seemed kind of confusing at first how to do it, but the in-class walk through really helped. Other than that the blogging things are going real well, I think or hope I know what I am doing.


  1. I think these last few weeks have been very eye opening and have also enjoyed hearing others comments.

  2. haha I cant wait for thanksgiving. I hope every week stays interesting.

  3. I enjoyed watching the last two videos in class and feel like they really helped me see a different side of things. I am looking forward to a fun second half of the semester!
