Monday, November 30

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

For My photo essay I decided to a theme of things I found that are environmentally friendly around my work, St. Luke's Hospital

St. Luke's has been a tobacco free campus since September 1, 2007. It has been a very positive change, but some employees have been mad and are forced to walk 200 feet away from the building if they wish to smoke.

This is a donation box in the cafeteria. You can donate old glasses or hearing aides here to others who can not afford them.

This sign is displayed next to the water/ice machine and this stack of plastic glasses. It says please help St. Luke's in reducing waste by using these re-useable water glasses and please return them later.

This little bin sits atop the garbage cans in the cafeteria. The cafeteria sells Yoplait yogurt, and they ask you to leave the lids in this bucket. Once it is full they send it in to Yoplait, because for every lid they receive Yoplait donates money to breast cancer foundation.

 This is a food recycling bin used in the kitchen. All of the food waste each night goes into the bin. A local farmer picks up the bins twice a week and uses it as feed for his pigs.

This is a confidential paper shred-it bin. The small print reads "each time this bin is filled, half a tree is saved in the forest."

 This is located near the cash register in the cafeteria. These re-useable water bottles are for sale to employees, and the sign encourages employees to re-use, recycle, and use less.

This is a flyer for the Pint for a Pound program St. Luke's is running through January 16th. For each pint of blood that is donated at St. Luke's, they will donate 1 pound of food to local food shelves. So get out there and donate before it's too late!

In taking these pictures throughout the hospital I noticed a common theme. St. Luke's is promoting the concept of re-using items a lot, including donating and re-using. There was also a sign in the cafeteria that said they go through over a thousand paper cups for the fountain soda machine a month, so they sell sturdy plastic soda cups that the staff can keep in their locker and reuse.