Tuesday, December 8

Advocacy Project: Letter To Public Official

December 7, 2009

Mrs. Amy Klobuchar
U.S. Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Ms. Amy Klobychar,

The current trend in America over the last few decades has been for the public getting more and more obese. To make matters worse the youth of the nation is right in the middle of all the statistics.  Children and adolescents have been the fastest increasing risk group for obesity in the Country for some time now. Something must be done to help secure the future of our country.

The proposed bill H.R.2044, STOP obesity in schools act of 2009, would be a great first step to take in lowering the obesity rate of children.  This bill will help children make daily smart decisions in their schools.  It is a problem that has continued to spread over the years; this bill will help stop the problem form one of its sources.

I appreciate you taking the time to hear my concern, and hope you support the stop obesity in schools act of 2009. I hope you continue to spread the word of bill H.R.2044.

Jake Eastwold


  1. I also wrote my letter to amy klobuchar. good job!

  2. Very good letter and I really hope something happens with this.

  3. I wrote my letter to Amy Klobuchar as well. Did you ever get a response?
