Monday, November 16

Advocacy Project: Healthy People/THOMAS

I chose to look into the Nutrition and Overweight section of the healthy people 2010, because I feel that is such an important issue in America today.  Then I chose to focus on objective 19-3, which is Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents who are overweight or obese. This is one of the biggest problem areas in our country over the last couple decades. The 1988-1994 baseline for all age groups (6-11 years and 12-19)  was 11% and the 2010 target for both of these age groups is down to 5%. Unfortunately, the progress for this objective is not looking good. For both of the child and adolescent age groups -83% moved away from the target.

Looking at the elimination of health disparities section I found that race has a large influence on this objective. Then I looked at some opportunities and challenges and read that "Collective national action and community involvement are essential to promote healthful diets among all Americans and to reverse the trend in increased overweight and obesity." An opportunity mentioned for children and adolescents was the classroom; To focus on physical activity and nutrition education for children. Under emerging issues it stressed the idea of prevention rather than treatment (such as pharmaceuticals or bariatric surgery) was ideal fro controlling the childhood obesity situation.

H.R.2044 : To reduce childhood obesity, and for other purposes.

Title:To reduce childhood obesity, and for other purposes; STOP obesity in schools Act of 2009

Sponsor: Rep Lowey, Nita M. [NY-18] (introduced 4/22/2009) Cosponsors (None)

Latest Major Action: 4/22/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and also to the Committee on Education and Labor, for a period that the Speaker will determine, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

Recommendation: Vote Yes for H.R.2044 : To reduce childhood obesity, and for other purposes.

My Political Representative: Congressman James Oberstar


  1. Childhood obesity is becoming an important issue to focus on, good topic.

  2. Awesome topic. This is something that really interests me, I am excited to see more information on it.

  3. I think this is a good topic. Im doing something similar as well and I agree its very important topic.
